The above image is our historical map of Parramatta, including a variety of shading which is used to indicate different historical periods. All roads have been placed as they are in current day, however the lots bound by these streets have been drastically altered due to expansion and commercialisation of the city. As a result, what appears to be a typically residential, Western Suburbs precinct has been extensively renovated to allow for businesses which accommodate growth of outer suburbs.

The above image is part of our site analysis, and has been used to [upper] describe our intention to recreate the 'hub' of Parramatta to its original, northern location [where the riverside theatre is located]. Our proposition is loose, however briefly describes the opportunity for economic and social growth if the site of Parramatta /council, public swimming pool and stadium is linked to Prince Alfred Park through the site of the Old Kings School. This could be achieved through refurbishing existing historic and school buildings to allow for civic and business centres. This would ultimately be accompanied by a small number of cafes.
The lower part of the image describes the topography and opprotunity for views from the site of the Riverside Theatre.
A closer analysis of our intentions.
Our journey through Parramatta, is described through our recording our reaction to the physical setting. Our journey was very much influenced by conflicting feelings of being enclosed and being open, while also feeling as if we were within an overly man-made environment. Some significant buildings and views are recorded through illustration.
The stage is designed to capture a sense of comunity, through including the audience in the arena. The basic layout describes the 'Jets' rebellion of authority, having the dignified Town Hall behind wire. This signifies the lack of authority existant in West Side Story. It also establishes a strong sense of place, being Town Square, and this is very relevant to our chosen scene [the opening scence, which exists within a wired off area of New York]. There are therefore profound parrallels which exist between our stage and that of the film, despite being a different time and city.