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Tuesday 14 June 2011

Week Five: Real Time Images Of Crysis Model, The Elevators, Offices, and Dining Table.

The bridge is split into two levels. The upper level is a large, empty space. A connection to some great, possibly divine presence should be apparent, especially given the physical size of the architecture, and how people may feel dwarfed when inside it.  

The bridge is extremely large. While this quite a generic translation of power, I feel that it is essential. To create a sense of power, the person must be in awe of the 'size', whether physical or allegorical, of the power of the architecture and the clients.

This side view exhibits the two distinct levels of the bridge [Oprah's office bottom left corner, and Gaga's bottom right]. The upper level is shaded by three massive 'waves', the left and the middle which are partly transluscent. These two transluscent shades provide some allusion to divinity, given their glowing nature and the fact that they seem to 'float'.

At almost every time of the day [inc. morning and evening], the sun is famed somewhat by the wave-like shades. The sun is life; it is the nucleus of our solar system, and holds the power of our survival. This very natural, vital concept is only loosely related to the more social power of Oprah and Gaga.

The Office Spaces:

Each office space is defined by the public image of the client. Oprah and Gaga have opposite images, however remeain influential in popular culture. Gaga relies on her outrageous, unreal persona to detach her celebrity from reality, and so consequently mask her private life and have social power. Oprah, contradictorily, relies on her 'real', empathetic personality to connect the public with her own struggle. This is where her influence stems from.


Oprah's office is clean and concise. It fits well beneath the pathway leading from the upper to lower level. t should comfotably accommodate her work, while allegorically mimic her ability to 'fit-in' with society, while having some high power. Small, rectangular glass shapes on one side of the office seperate her from the main space, however there are gaps to augment this relationship between reality and 'Oprah'.

Lady Gaga:

Gaga's office is placed within the centre of the lower space, so that it appears as if some form of exhibit. The architecture consists primarily of a cage around a dark, glass prism. Given the very light colour of the bridge, some parts of the day impact the comfort of this area, so the dark glass acts as a shade for Gaga, so that she can work comfortably while still be looked in at. The office is much a part of her image as her outlandhish fashion. As one moves from the exterior to its interior, it is interesting to note the change of appearance of the external cage, how it softens as you enter the office.  

The Lifts:

Gaga's lift functions similarly to her office, in the sence that its appears as a disjointed cage. Both Gaga's and Oprah's lifts are slighlty transparent, to connect them with this notion of 'floating' above the norm. Gaga's persona is enitrely disconnected from reality, and so her image must seem to disagree with the design of the overall scheme. Hence, its very linear, unrefined appearance contradicts the curved, eloquent nature of the main structure. 

Oprah's lift is also transparent, and although rectalinear it aims to connect with the refined image of the overall structure. One key point is where the client will enter the lift [middle picture], the rectangular pieces of glass relate to those on the opposite side of the office.


The Dining Table:

The dining table consist of two parts: [a] the table and [b] the floor. Yet, they are integrated into three layer which function together as an architectural piece. The top is a flat table-top, then a glass floor where the clients may stand, and beneath that is a curved surface [for aesthetic purposes, it relates to the water below it]. The table is connected to land so that even the top of it may be walked across, as a bridge, if desired. Its multifunctional, and has a strong connection to nature. These two factors are central when making successful, powerful decisions.  

[above: relationship with main bridge, above the table]

[above: connection to land]

The Environment:
Follows the principles I intially wanted, where it is baron and vast. A plateau seperates the two sides of the valley, in the middle of which a small creek lies. It is bare, however still soft [refer to original images of valley, from week one submission].

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